
  • Vasyl Klymonchuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



Kuwait, UAE, humanitarian diplomacy, “niche” diplomacy, country image


The article deals with the study of the humanitarian diplomacy of Kuwait and the UAE in the international arena. The goals, tools and trends of development of humanitarian diplomacy of both states have beendetermined. Research by scientists, as well as reports in the mass media and official resources of these states regarding the humanitarian aid provided by Kuwait and the UAE due to re- gional conflicts and crises, as well as to overcome the spread of COVID-19, have been analyzed. Thus, ithas been defined which of the mentioned states pursues a policy of “niche diplomacy”, and which tries to conduct an ambitious foreign policy in the humanitarian sphere and fulfill the role of the “little Sparta”. In addition, it has been concluded why such approaches in humanitarian policy are not peculiar to Ukraine.


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