The Secret of US Success in the Field of Information Security




information security, cyber attack, cyber threat, USA, cyber security, cyberspace, cyber-insurance


The study found many factors contributing to the successful US information policy. Among them are regulatory legal regulation, successful policy of state bodies and the administration of the president, public awareness and confidence, cyber-insurance and international cooperation.

It is noted that the US has a strong legislative base. The beginning of the development of information security was laid in the first half of the twentieth century. It is emphasized that the further course of the whole state depends on the administration of the president, therefore the two last Presidents paid much attention to the problem of cyber-terrorism. They recognized that cybercrime and cyber-espionage threaten the national security of the country.

The US law on external information security has been described, which includes a set of federal laws, state laws and regulations that together form the legal basis for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of information security. The main features of the National Cyber Spaces Protection Strategy (2003), Cyber Security Review (2009), the Comprehensive National Cyber Security Initiative (2010), the US Cybersecurity Strategy 2011, the CISPA 2012 Act (Cyber Intelligence Sharring and Protection Act) were highlighted.

The five main directions of activity on information protection issues that are defined by the Strategy are analyzed: constant monitoring and continuous evaluation of threats and vulnerabilities of state information systems; implementation of national measures to reduce the threats and vulnerabilities of cyberspace; implementation of measures to protect the information systems of the authorities; providing quality education and training on issues of protection of cyberspace; cooperation on issues of national security and security of international cyberspace.

It is proved that cyber insurance is becoming widespread within the country, thus reducing the chances of cybercriminals to commit cyber attacks. International cooperation is one of the important components of ensuring information security.


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