
  • Serhii Kulyk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Anastasiia Panchuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University




suicide bombers, motives for participation, martyrdom, jihad, terrorist organizations, women's units, «Black widows»


Modern terrorism differs significantly from the manifestations of terrorist activity in the past in terms of program goals, tactics and means of struggle. It is established that the peculiarity of the activities of terrorist groups since the end of the twentieth century. there is an active involvement of women in their activities, the implementation of terrorist attacks by women suicide bombers. The motives of women's participation in the activities of such or- ganizations, methods of psychological pressure exerted on them by leaders, members of organizations and religious leaders are clarified. Attention is paid to ideological principles (Sharia law, martyrdom, jihad) and the stabi- lity of the moral beliefs of women suicide bombers, the promotion of their cause among new members of radical groups. It is emphasized how the po- sition of a man, relatives, friends influences a woman's decision to join ter- rorist activities. The method of comparison revealed the features of roles, statuses, the influence of women in the activities of such terrorist groups as

«Al Qaeda», «Black Widows», «Hamas», «Tamil Tigers». Based on vari- ous information sources, the authors tried to recreate the socio-psycholog- ical portrait of a modern female terrorist. Motives, statements, behavior of women before, during and after their terrorist attacks are considered. It is claimed that women's terrorism poses a threat to the national security of the world and has a significant impact on international relations.


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