Historical Background of the Development of International Tourism as a Tool if Public Diplomacy in Spain


  • Natalia Kotsan Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Сніжана Фіногенова Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Viktoriia Kotsan Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University




international tourism, Spain, public diplomacy, historical background


The article examines issues related to the emergence of public diplomacy due to the development of international tourism. Attention is focused on the functional possibilities of international tourism to be a channel of public diplomacy. The special place of tourism is defined as a foreign policy instrument of influence on world tourist flows, as well as as the main tool of public diplomacy, which humanizes international relations and strengthens the image of the state. The historical experience of Spain on the raised issue is analyzed, the main stages of development, events that contributed to the birth of international tourism and its future functioning as public diplomacy are highlighted. A detailed description of Spain's tourism sector is given, statistical data on tourist flows, the most popular places, the number of tourists and the amount of income from tourism have been made public.

Special attention is paid to considering tourism as a tool of «soft power», since the new public diplomacy allows social institutions and processes (including tourism) to be active and influential subjects of international relations and public diplomacy.

It was revealed that solid globalization gives tourism political weight, as it is an informal factor of international contacts, as well as a significant additional tool for realizing the foreign policy interests of the state. The function of tourism in Spain as a basic basis of public diplomacy is analyzed. At the same time, diplomacy is considered as one of the ways of implementing an operational strategy for the development of national tourism and strengthening its position in the country's economy.

Special attention is paid to the consideration of the issue and features of the concept of tourism diplomacy. Tourism diplomacy, being essentially economic, is currently carried out more and more by the methods of public diplomacy. It is noted that one of the modern methods of both competition and implementation of the concept of «soft power» is brand development. Territory brands are becoming integral symbols of the tourism industry. Branding of tourist territories, being a tool of «soft power», increases the effectiveness of tourism diplomacy in particular, and public diplomacy in general. The role of tourism in maintaining peace and mutual understanding between countries is emphasized. And as a conclusion, the role of tourism as an effective strategy for the successful implementation of public diplomacy in the world space is determined.


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