The Role of Tourism in Promoting Latvia in the International Arena


  • Nataliia Kotsan Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Mykola Oliiarnyk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Latvia, tourism, tourist, international level, geopolitical position


The article defines the essence of tourism infrastructure and its components. The normative-legal provision of the tourism sector of Latvia is set out.

Tourism has been described as an industry that can provide a significant economic growth with minimal economic costs, while bringing the country to the appropriate level of international relations.

The activity of the Latvian State Agency for Tourism Development (TAVA) has been analyzed. It is noted that Latvia is located in the north-east of Europe, divided into 4 cultural and historical regions: in the west Kurzeme (Kurlandia), in the south of Zemgale (Semigallia), in the central part and in the northeast Vidzeme (Livland) and in the south-east of Latgale (Latgale ) Of the Semigallia, sometimes a distinct region is not mentioned in the Constitution: Selia / Celonia (Augseme)

It is determined that in general the economic-geographical position contributes to the development of international cooperation and inflow of foreign tourists. In the understanding of world travel industry, business tourism is considered one of the most profitable activities – it does not depend on climatic and weather conditions, does not require the presence of unique monuments of history and architecture, involves large budget estimates, group orders and a steadily growing demand.

Assessing the competitiveness of the country as a whole at the international level, identified the factors contributing to the development of Latvia’s tourism market to date: the good geopolitical position between East and West; authenticity of culture (influence of Polish, Belarusian, Russian and German history and culture); tangible and intangible legacy of the Soviet period; ethnic cuisine; bright traditions; protected natural environment; a great base for rural tourism; low prices for food, beverages and entertainment; world standards of tourist sphere; developed national information system for tourists.


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