Ukraine, Hungary, European Union, Transcarpathia, border region, cross-border cooperation, Hungarian national minority, organizations of national minoritiesAbstract
The article examines the role of national minorities living compactly in the border regions in the development of cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Hungary, defines the main areas, directions, problems and prospects of cooperation. Cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Hungary in the field of protection of the rights of national minorities is an important element of the relations between the two countries, and especially such cooperation intensified after Hungary received the status of a member of the European Union, which opened up new opportunities for joint projects and initiatives in the field of protection of the rights of national minorities. Special attention the author studies national minorities as subjects of cross-border relations, the influence of historical, cultural and political factors on the activities of national minorities.
The author also considers the foreign policy of Hungary regarding the support of Hungarians abroad, the influence of national minorities on the nature of interstate relations in the region, the functioning of organizations of national minorities at the regional and international levels. It is emphasized that in recent years Ukraine has significantly improved the regulatory framework in the development of cross-border cooperation with the countries of Central Europe , however, there is a multi-year crisis at the level of political relations with Hungary, Hungary uses the issue of protecting the rights of national minorities as a tool to pressure Ukraine at the international level. The issue of the Hungarian national minority is a problematic issue in bilateral relations between Ukraine and Hungary, as the latter is trying to achieve maximum autonomy for its minority in a variety of ways, including blackmail. National minorities are an important part of society, which has the right to preserve its culture, language and traditions. However, on the other hand, national minorities must also interact with the majority and follow the laws and regulations of the state. The issue of the rights of national minorities is complex and requires compromises, and therefore cooperation between Hungary and Ukraine can help resolve these issues through dialogue and mutual understanding. At the same time, the proper implementation and development of existing cooperation mechanisms requires more effective involvement of the public and wider participation of local authorities. It was found that the involvement of the Hungarian national minority in cross-border cooperation is an important element in bilateral relations between Ukraine and Hungary. Despite this, Hungary levels the interests of Ukraine and considers only the interests of the Hungarian national minority, which lives compactly on the territory of Transcarpathia. The openness of the parties, as well as deepening the involvement of representatives of the Hungarian national minority in cooperation, would provide excellent opportunities for effective cross-border cooperation and the development of the Transcarpathian region as a whole.
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