
  • Vladyslav Strelkov Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Yaroslav Yarosh Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Mykola Prymush Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus



delegitimization, legitimacy, state authority, threat, national security


The authors applied a procedural approach to the study of the political process in the temporal dimension, which made it possible to follow the changes in the state of the Ukrainian political system, the dynamics of its development. The researchers examined the process of delegitimization of state power through the lens of national security issues. The article determines that the process of delegitimization of state power poses threats to national security. Technologies of delegitimization of state power are characterized as a kind of hybrid toolkit for creating threats to national security. It was found that the technologies of delegitimization of state power can be considered as political practices that negatively affect the legitimacy of its representatives, weakening their social support. It was established that the factors of delegitimization of state power can serve as: ineffectiveness of public policy, corruption of representatives of public power, loss of the state's monopoly on violence, axiological contradictions in society, international isolation.

Attention was also drawn to the fact that the initiators of the process of delegitimization of state power aim to create and/or exacerbate a crisis situation in the state. The crisis of legitimacy can be considered as a kind of political crisis, as a result of which the subject loses the ability to influence the object in the relations of domination and submission. Disputing its legitimacy, fragmentation of political power and the presence of numerous «power centers» are characteristic features of the crisis of the legitimacy of state power. It is emphasized that the political system, which is in a state of crisis of the legitimacy of state power, becomes a favorable environment for the emergence of numerous threats to national security. The destructive nature of the influence of the delegitimization of state power on the fundamental national interests and vital national values of the Ukrainian people has been revealed.

The result of the scientific research are conclusions that highlight the existence of a relationship between the delegitimization of state power and the emergence of phenomena in the political process that lead to the destabilization of the political system and pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine.


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