global climate change, climate communications, public opinion, climate policy, adaptation, mitigationAbstract
Communication about global climate change, its consequences and possible adaptive responses is a relatively new area of contemporary communica- tion studies. This, to a large extent, is due to the fact that the consequences and responses to climate policy have only recently become the subject of consideration in public consciousness, and in scientific discourse. The com- munication component of climate policy contributes to the formation of awareness among the world community about the causes and methods of solving climate challenges, forms of climate-friendly behavior, facilitates the implementation of climate programs, professional training, helps to re- duce violations and exacerbation of socio-economic inequality during the transition to a low-carbon economy. The ways in which individuals, socie- ties and political structures respond to climate change in many cases depend on the awareness and perception of the general public and decision-makers of its causes, short-term and long-term consequences. Therefore, the prob- lem of informing target audiences for the formation of climate public opi- nion, studying both internal and external factors influencing it, clarifying the reasons for the divergence of attitudes and beliefs regarding global climate change at the global and national levels, and studying the interrelationship of human attitudes is of particular importance. The article defines the mani- festations and consequences of global climate change, characterizes the dy- namics of awareness of the problem of climate change by international public since the end of the 80s of the 20th century, suggests the periodization of the evolution of attitudes towards climate change, and point out the general world trend regarding climate communications. Global climate change is seen as a challenge for international communications, as it is a new problem for which a universal solution has not yet been developed.
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