Polish women’s periodicals, Polish women’s movement, classification and periodization of Polish magazines, feminismAbstract
The article raises an important issue − the periodization and classification of Polish women’s periodicals in Galicia, which was published simultaneously with the Ukrainian women’s periodicals. General trends in the development of the Polish women's press can be traced in the evolution of women’s magazines: from entertainment to political, ideological and program. It was found that there is no single periodization of Polish women's periodicals. An important issue is the classification of women’s publications by various characteristics, species and types. Several popular periodizations of Polish women’s periodi- cals before 1945 are presented and analyzed, but none of them characterizes all the general trends in the development of periodicals in Galicia (1840−1939). It has been found that the terminology of many scholars does not have a single scientific view, which complicates the study of this common and diverse type of periodical.
The publication of Polish women’s periodicals in Galicia, in particular in Lviv, along with Ukrainian women’s periodicals, indicates a great similarity in the content of publications. Polish and Ukrainian women’s movements originated and developed in Galicia, which indicates a great similarity in the development of Polish and Ukrainian women’s periodicals during the century of publication (1839−1940). The political nature of many publications, patriotic and natio- nalist motives of many journalistic materials in Polish and Ukrainian women’s periodicals indicate that periodicals developed according to similar European tendencies of feminist movements. The development of Polish women’s peri- odicals in Galicia, along with Ukrainian ones, indicates that this is a separate type of periodical that researchers often include in national liberation journals, as political and patriotic materials are published in the columns of these pub- lications. The problem of using definitions in research on Polish periodicals published in Galicia for a century is still relevant.
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