globalization, international relations, world order, development trends, world communityAbstract
The article examines basic research approaches, factors and characteristics of globalization as a leading trend of world development. The author formulates his own modern definition of globalization: it is the spread beyond the borders of national states of political, economic and cultural processes beyond the control of sovereign governments and the formation of a fundamentally new integrity of the world space on this foundation. The military confrontation between the coalition of democratic countries in support of Ukraine (the Ramstein group) and the alliance of world autocracies that support fascist Russia is seen as a clash of globalists and anti-globalists. It is concluded that in the first decade of the XXI century. a transformation of the basic model of globalization took place: the construct of the «world village», which has a «center» and a «periphery», as the world was imagined in the 70–80s of the 20th century, was replaced by the idea of a «network web» at the beginning of the 21st century. Among the basic fac- tors of the modern globalization process, the following stand out: the revolution in the means of mass information and communication, the internationalization of economic life in the world, the problems of global environmental security, the problems of international crime and terrorism, the threat of nuclear war, the tendency to form a multipolar world order, etc.
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