security, Eastern Partnership, EU, international cooperation, UkraineAbstract
This article analyzes the key forms of cooperation in the field of security within the framework of the EU Initiative «Eastern Partnership». It is noted that the priority areas of cooperation within the Eastern Partnership are – the resolution of the Ukrainian-Russian war, the resolving of frozen conflicts in the region, en- suring cybersecurity and information security of the countries in the region, and ensuring security in the region by involving international organizations such as the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, and NATO. The internal and external security threats of the Eastern Partnership countries are identified, the key ones are the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, terrorism, cybercrime, corruption, the collapse of democracy, geopolitical interests of the USA, the EU, and Russian Federation in the region, nuclear blackmail by the Russian Federa- tion, and the weakness of the security component in the cooperation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries. The EU’s tools in ensuring peace and security in the Eastern Partnership region are examined. Attention is focused on the new format of cooperation «Eastern Partnership Security Compact» within this initiative. The data of the Eastern Partnership Index in the context of such indicators as «International cooperation in the field of security», «Border secu- rity», «EU financing of security projects» are analyzed, which show the degree of integration of the Eastern Partnership countries in the field of security to EU standards. Potential scenarios for the development of security cooperation within the framework of the EU Initiative «Eastern Partnership» are highlighted. Rec- ommendations on strengthening security cooperation within the Eastern Partner- ship are presented.
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