
  • Natalia Chukhrai Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University




international relations, international conflict, armed international conflict, international law, legal mechanisms for solving international conflicts


The article explains the evolution and modern meaning of the concept of «interna- tional conflict», and defines its types, features, and potential ways of settlement. Attention is drawn to the fact that the peaceful methods of settling international conflicts, initiated by customary law, are widely implemented in modern inter- national law. Modern international law foresees such conflict resolution mecha- nisms as international negotiations, provision of good services, and mediation. However, being aware of all the destructive consequences of armed conflict reso- lution, many states of the modern world resort to this very method of solving various kinds of claims. Armed international conflicts, in turn, are also subject to legal regulation. Peacemaking processes in armed conflicts are very complex, multidimensional, and often ineffective. Peacekeeping measures include disar- mament, demobilization, and reintegration of conflict participants; ceasefire ne- gotiations; signing peace agreements; multilateral peacekeeping and stabilization operations. International law also distinguishes such forms of cessation of hos- tilities as armistice and capitulation, which also provide for the signing of peace treaties.

Attention is drawn to the fact that most of the legal norms governing armed con- flicts are contained in international treaties: the Geneva Conventions, the Hague Conventions, a number of treaties signed under the auspices of the UN, etc. They define the categories of participants and non-participants in armed conflicts, mili- tary and civilian objects, prohibited methods and means of waging war, permit- ted and prohibited types of weapons, war crimes, etc. However, states that choose the path of war often disregard the norms of international law, so these norms are often applied post factum, only to bring to justice the aggressor state or indivi- dual war criminals. Therefore, it is concluded that the question of ensuring world security, preventing or ending war remains unanswered today. This conclusion is confirmed by events in Ukraine.


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