international tourism, liberal international order, world politics, world tourism policy, international regime of travel and tourismAbstract
The article examines the features of the formation and development of the inter- national travel and tourism regime as a structural component of the formation of a liberal world order. It is noted that from the middle of the XX century the world tourism project has actively ben promoted by the West as the embodiment of the paradigm of «liberal internationalism» – the order that was formed during the Cold War on the basis of American liberal hegemony. It envisioned the spread of democracy, protection of human rights, international interaction through multi- lateral institutions, free trade and freedom of movement.
It is argued that the international travel and tourism regime is represented by mul- tilateral institutions and agreements, norms and values that constitute the funda- mental foundations of the liberal world order. In particular, it is directly related to and derives from legal norms affirming freedom of movement, the right to leisure and recreation. At the institutional level, the formation of the international travel and tourism regime is related to the activities of the World Tourism Organization and other UN agencies. The central concepts of the discourse of world tourism policy have become: liberalization of mobility regimes, deepening of foreign economic relations between countries in the field of tourism, overcoming global inequality and backwardness, implementing the ideas of development and social progress through tourism, establishing mutual understanding and peace between nations, building a democratic and just society based on the cosmopolitan ideas of world hospitality. It is concluded that international tourism and travel have played an important role in overcoming the bloc confrontation during the Cold War years and in overthrowing the communist regimes in Europe. In the post- bipolar era, mobility has emerged as a pervasive discourse of liberal democracy and market economy. Travel has become an important basis for integration pro- cesses in Europe and democratic transformations in post-socialist countries
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