
  • Oleksandr Rudyk National University of Ostroh Academy



climate diplomacy, international relations, climate change management, international climate regime


The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of climate diplomacy and the tasks it is designed to perform to achieve its goals. The article is based on the research of Ukrainian and European scientists, on materials of non-governmental organizations and on reports of international organizations, devoted to this issue.

It is considered the list of tactical tasks of climate diplomacy, which it solves in the process of forming the international climate regime. 1) Balancing the interests of participating states – serves the purpose of overcoming differences that arise as a result of differences in the development and potential of various states of the world. 2) The formation of the same views of the participating states on the means of global climate policy is necessary for the coordination of foreign policy actions and the involvement of wider cooperation in overcoming the consequences of climate change; the basis of such a mechanism is the tools of «soft power»: public, cultural and image diplomacy. 3) Ensuring participation and cooperation between state bodies and civil society, local authorities, and business will contribute to the stability of foreign and domestic policies of states in the field of climate. 4) Helping to ensure human rights in the process of change and fight against climate change. 5) Helping to overcome the consequences of climate change for developing countries, which is necessary to consolidate the efforts of developed and developing countries in order to prevent a global crisis and the risk of instability of the system of international relations. Based on the results of the article, it is proposed to consider climate diplomacy as a sphere of international relations in which the interests of states are balanced in the social, economic, financial, energy, and security spheres in order to deepen international cooperation in solving the problem of global warming and climate change, and which also ensures regulation of the international climate regime regarding national actions to reduce carbon emissions.


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