


Ukraine, European Union, complex of reforms, post-war reconstruction, national development


The article examines the history of relations and current problems of interaction between Ukraine and the EU in the context of aspirations for full membership of Ukraine in the EU as one of the basic goals of national development at the current stage. Relations between Ukraine and the EU are gaining strategic importance for the preservation and development of the democratic Euro-Atlantic civiliza- tion under the conditions of aggression from authoritarian russia. Ukraine and the European Union have entered a new phase of their relations, which is charac- terized by growing interdependence between Ukrainian and European partners. Ukraine's path to the European Union is marked by its uniqueness and non-stan- dard nature. In order to become a full member of the European Union, Ukraine must first build a socio-political model in line with European standards, transi- tion to a parliamentary republic with decentralized unitarism. It is concluded that, acting as an eastern outpost of Western civilization, defending its ideological values and its state independence from the Russian Federation with weapons in hand, Ukraine in practice proved its natural right to return to the European family.


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