information security, information space, information strategy, information warfare, information fakes, political process, democratic values, political systemAbstract
The issues of ensuring information security as a component of national security for Ukraine today are on a par with the protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity, and ensuring its economic security. The work on the strategy and con- cept of information security of Ukraine is aimed at systematizing the issues that are combined into the problem of ensuring the country's information security. The experience of European countries that have their own information base and system of checks and balances is important. Namely, the experience of the UK, its methods and means of protecting important interests of the individual, society, and the state in the information sphere, creating the basis for the formation of the state information security policy, and the development of the country's informa- tion space. Information space is an environment where information is generated, collected, stored and disseminated. The article proposes positive practices that could contribute to the development of national security in Ukrainian society, which is oriented towards European integration.
In general, national security policy as a social phenomenon is complex, including domestic and foreign policy, economic, technological, military and other elements, and therefore requires a comprehensive approach. The activities of public authorities should be aimed at fulfilling specific tasks in this area and united by a common goal – ensuring proper conditions for the realization of Ukraine's na- tional security.
At the same time, the state information security system is an integral part of the overall national security system and is a set of state authorities, public organiza- tions, and citizens who must coordinate information security activities on the basis of uniform legal norms and effectively counteract information threats in the current environment.
Therefore, it is necessary today not only to rethink Ukraine's national security relations, but also to create new levers of influence and develop a new strategy for relations between the UK and the European Union, in this difficult time for Ukraine. Thus, both the UK and Ukraine have their own peculiarities and char- acteristics, ranging from the economic sphere to the cultural one. The two Euro- pean countries differ in their level of development and policy priorities, but they are committed to mutual and close cooperation. Ukraine can get new opportuni- ties to develop relations with the United Kingdom within the framework of mul- tilateral cooperation Ukraine can get new opportunities to develop relations with the United Kingdom within the framework of multilateral cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe.
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