NATO, war, integration, membership action planAbstract
The problem of Ukraine’s integration into NATO has become particularly important in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The situation requires an in-depth analysis of the problems and prospects of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, which is relevant for national security. The purpose of the study is to show Ukraine's prospects and identify key problems and ob- stacles on the way to joining NATO. To achieve this goal, the researchers used methods such as analysis of scientific publications, official documents, statements by representatives of Ukraine and NATO, and analysis of statisti- cal data.
The study showed that despite the active cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, there are a number of challenges that complicate the integration pro- cess. These include the unstable security situation, internal political problems, and the disagreement of some NATO member states. At the same time, there are significant prospects for strengthening relations, including Ukraine’s ac- tive participation in NATO’s joint missions, strengthening Ukraine’s defense capabilities, and readiness for political and social reforms. The results of the survey indicate significant prospects for strengthening relations between Ukraine and NATO. In particular, there is an active participation of Ukraine in joint NATO missions, an increase in Ukraine’s defense potential through cooperation with NATO, and a steady growth of support for Ukraine’s acces- sion to the Alliance among the Ukrainian society.
The results of the study can be useful for developing political strategies for Ukraine’s accession to NATO and for building an effective dialogue with the Alliance in the context of current challenges and threats.
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