transatlantic relations, USA, NATO, war, European Union, J. BidenAbstract
The article examines the impact of Russia’s 2022 full-scale war against Ukraine on transatlantic relations (this term in this article refers to the re- lations between the United States and its European allies within the North Atlantic Alliance, as well as the relations of the United States with the Euro- pean Union). At the beginning of the work, the general state of relations that existed between the United States and its European partners after the election of J. Biden as the new president is highlighted; the main points that at that stage brought tension to these relations were analyzed. It is noted that there are changes in the perception by the United States of America of the strategic importance of the European region and the revival of relations already after February 24, 2022. The behavior of the Russia provoked, not as the Russian authorities hoped, the weakening of NATO, but on the contrary, the constant increase in the defense capabilities of the Alliance, the increase of its military presence on the eastern border and even the prospect of imminent accepting new members – Sweden and Finland.
The article examines the impact of the war on the attitude of the USA and European countries to the EU Strategic Autonomy. It is emphasized which of the European countries still continue to insist on the importance of this concept, and which, categorically rejecting this idea, seek even greater and closer cooperation in the field of security with the United States and cannot even imagine the security of Europe without the involvement of the United States. It is explained why the European Union will not be able to rely only on its own forces in the field of defense at the present moment and in the near future. At the same time, the authors note what kind of measures taken by European countries, taking into account the existing conditions, could be, at least for the time being, a more effective substitute for efforts to create a joint European military force. Also, these measures would give Europeans more confidence that the current or the next government in the USA will not question Europe's contribution to NATO. Beyond that, certain contradictions in economic relations, which are observed both at the level of rhetoric and in practical actions of the USA and the member states of the European Union, are analyzed.
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