
  • Ivan Shyshkin National University Ostroh Academy



European Union, «Barcelona Declaration», foreign policy, «Barcelona Process», Union for the Mediterranean


The article explores the peculiarities of the European Union’s policy in the Mediterranean region. In particular, it analyzes the reasons and preconditions that led to the launch of the «Barcelona Process», characterizes the «Barce- lona Declaration», and outlines the main aspects of the EU’s policy towards Mediterranean countries after the introduction of the «Barcelona Process». The analysis of trade relations in the region and the advantages gained by the process participants, both in the European Union and among other participa- ting countries (Asian and African states in the region), is also important. In addition, the evolution of the European Union’s policy within the «Barcelona Process» is shown depending on the political realities that existed in the Me- diterranean region. The main aspects of Mediterranean policy in the changed format: the Union for the Mediterranean initiated by France and supported by the European Union are outlined. The process of creating the Union for the Mediterranean, its structure, and changes that have taken place in connection with the reformatting of EU policy within this organization, yet still generally within the «Barcelona Process», are also described. The study also analyzes changes in EU Mediterranean policy after the events of the «Arab Spring», especially with regard to the need for security in the region and the problem of uncontrolled spontaneous migration. Overall, the article comprehensively highlights the main aspects and evolution of the European Union’s Mediter- ranean policy from the signing of the «Barcelona Declaration» to the present day.


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