nationalism, national identity, the Anglo-Saxon political tradition, continental European political tradition, democracy, liberalism, EuropeAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of formation sinuosities of nationalism problems in the European political discourse. In political theory it is accepted to distinguish two traditions which, having been drawn up during history, began to reflect the national specificity of some European countries: Anglo-Saxon and continental-European. In general, the Anglo-Saxon political tradition was concentrated around the ideas of the rule of law, internationalism, free trade, and constitutionalism. And the cornerstone of the continental-European political tra- dition were the problems of nationalism, national consolidation, the ratio of de- mocracy (which is embodied in the idea of popular sovereignty) and liberalism, as well as the problems of the relationship between civil society and government. Accordingly, the issue of nationalism has largely found its coverage in the con- cepts of theorists of the continental European tradition.
Nowadays, it is customary to label most European countries as countries of li- beral democracy. The formation of liberalism, nationalism and democracy took place in approximately the same period. Accordingly, the vicissitudes of the rela- tionship between liberalism and democracy, on the one hand, and between liber- alism and nationalism, on the other hand, were examined. Both the discourse of nationalism and the discourse of democracy in a certain way contributed to the activation of liberal ideas. At the same time, liberalism also exerted a powerful influence on the formation of nationalism, providing it with an arsenal of ideo- logical criticism directed at imperial regimes.
It is argued that national identities are capable of mobilizing and sustaining strong communities. In a political context, national identity is the main means of legiti- mizing public order and solidarity (A. D. Smith).
It is noted that, according to E. M. Thompson, nationalism is not only a pheno- menon of the modern era but also a promising trend of the future era. After all, globalization is not capable of levelling the powerful intentions of the uniqueness of certain national cultures. On the contrary, under the conditions of effective branding, they develop, attracting the interest of others due to their unusualness.
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