
  • Nataliya Nikolaienko Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuildingof Mykolaiv



threats to national security, regional security, Black Sea region, hybrid war, state interests, manipulation, political technologies, destabilisation, international military cooperation


It is stated that the topic of the research is related to the need to investigate the threats to Ukrainian state interests in the Black Sea region, formulate con- clusions on ways to stabilise the situation in the region and form an effective model of ensuring Ukraine’s national security. It is determined that considering the role of Ukraine as a system-forming factor in the regional security archi- tecture in the Black Sea, it is worthwhile to dwell on the international politi- cal circumstances that led to Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine and the waging of a hybrid war between the states. The author states that the lack of action by the official Ukrainian authorities further inspired anti-Ukrainian forces to increase provocations that were aimed at the final ban of Ukrainian control over the Crimean peninsula. It is emphasised that the analysed anti- Ukrainian campaigns have shown a long-lasting targeted systematic activity of Russian political circles and pro-Russian politicians and media in Ukraine, in particular in Crimea and other regions of the country, to destabilise the situa- tion, disrupt international military cooperation of the Ukrainian Navy, and have become not only a provocation against the Ukrainian people and state but also another stage of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine. Accordingly, the security component in the Black Sea region should be one of the main priorities of the foreign and domestic policy of the Ukrainian authorities. It is determined that a necessary condition for the formation of security structures in the Black Sea region is a clear understanding of the concept of building a common regional identity of the Black Sea countries (excluding Russia) and the active partici- pation of Ukraine in building the geopolitical dimension of the Black Sea re- gional identity.


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