
  • Mariia Zherebylo Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Galina Kopachinska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Olena Borisjuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



geopolitical interests, China, Antarctica, global influence, international relations, Antartic region, international cooperation


The scientific article is devoted to the analysis of China's geopolitical interests in relation to Antarctica. Taking into account the growing influence of China on the world stage and in particular its activation in the Antartic region, the study aims to reveal China's motivations and goals in the context of the Antarctic continent. The scientific article examines the historical context of the development of Chinese interests in the region, in particular, attention is drawn to China's participation in international treaties and activities related to the study of Antarctica. It also examines the strategic and economic reasons pushing China to increase its presence and influence in the region. The article highlights the key directions of Chinese policy in the Antarctic, focusing on scientific research, technology development and potential resources. Special attention is paid to China's role in the International Antarctic Program, as well as cooperation with other countries, to ensure the sustainable and peaceful development of Antarctica. The article analyzes the development of China's scientific and technological base in the Antarctic, its impact on China's scientific potential, and opportunities for cooperation with other countries in this context. The role of Antarctica in China's strategic plans to study climate change, environmental challenges and other global issues is explored. The article takes into account various aspects of China's geopolitical interests in Antarctica, such as its desire to provide itself with natural resources, as well as to expand its opportunities for scientific research and the development of new technologies. The impact of growing geopolitical competition between countries on China's strategy in the Antarctic is also analyzed. The final part of the article contains forecasts regarding the possible future development of China's geopolitical interests in the Antarctic and their impact on international relations. The study helps to understand better China's role in the global context and contributes to a deeper analysis of its activities in the remote Antarctic region. The article's conclusions emphasize the need for China's balanced and diplomatic approach to its geopolitical interests in the Antarctic, in order to ensure cooperation, mutual understanding and the preservation of the region's natural resources for future generations. Overall, this scientific article contributes to a deeper understanding of China's motivations and goals in the Antarctic, as well as its impact on the geopolitical and environmental situation in this unique region. The study can serve as a basis for further analysis and development of strategies for managing relations between states in the Antarctic and preserving the continent's natural resources.


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