


diaspora, foreign policy, national interests, bilateral relations, international image of the country, public diplomacy


The foreign experience of forming state policy on national diasporas at the present stage is analyzed. The examples of China, Hungary, Israel, Bulgaria and other countries reveal the basic institutional, legal, humanitarian and diplomatic instruments of interaction between the state and the diaspora, ensuring the promotion of national interests of the countries in the international arena, attracting resources, personnel and relations of the diasporas for the development of the historical Diaspora. . Emphasis is placed on the need to form an institutional system of such interaction and systemic state policy for more effective use of the Diaspora for national development. It is revealed that in the geopolitical conditions of the XXI century. they are increasingly becoming subjects of public diplomacy, «agents of influence» who can not only strengthen countries' bilateral relations by forming cross-border communities, but also improve the country's international image. Separately analyzed is the domestic experience in the implementation of the policy on foreign Ukrainians: the current regulatory framework for interaction with the Ukrainian diaspora (Constitution of Ukraine, profile law and the State program for cooperation with foreign Ukrainians for the period up to 2020), the state and directions of state policy in this field, and problems that prevent Ukraine from using the Diaspora as an effective foreign policy tool. The main deficiencies in the national state policy concerning the diaspora were revealed - the dispersed interaction with the diaspora among many state agencies, the lack of a clear strategy, first of all, a clear plan of measures to be implemented by the government, insufficient funding, and state attention. Based on comparisons with foreign practices, conclusions and recommendations have been made to improve the situation, in particular it is proposed to create a separate state body or agency that would be responsible for interaction with the diaspora, as well as to implement projects aimed at attracting capital and investments from representatives of the diaspora at the regional level, to share experiences.


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