
  • Olga Korneliuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Nataliia Pavlikha Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



circular economy, sustainable development, innovative business model, resource efficiency


The modern world is faced with complex problems related to the depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution and the growth of waste due to increased production and consumption. In this context, the circular economy is one of the basic strategies for ensuring sustainable development and reducing the negative impact of human activity on natural ecosystems. Despite progress in implementing circular practices, there are unresolved issues that require additional research. The evolution of circular economy concepts has gone through several stages. At the first stage, attention was focused on waste management, at the second stage, the development of environmental efficiency strategies began, and at the third stage, the main conditions include the use of green innovations and a change in the industrial paradigm. One of the first concepts of the circular economy was the idea of Regenerative Design, which is based on the possibilities of reusing resources and energy in all processes and systems, systemic thinking and the desire for harmony between anthropogenic activity and nature. The Cradle-to-Cradle concept considers used materials as resources suitable for reuse in technical and biological processes. Performance Economy is based on the principles of extending the product life cycle, repairing, selling services instead of products and preventing waste. Industrial Ecology involves the construction of production processes based on the model of ecological cycles, the formation of such a movement of energy and material flows, where waste in industrial cycles serves as raw material for the next process. Biomimicry imitates natural cycles. Biobased Economy uses biomass as raw material for non-food purposes. A Green economy contributes to increasing well-being and social equality, reducing environmental risks. The donut economy is a model of achieving well-being with the help of limited natural resources of the planet. The circular economy requires the implementation of an integrated approach and behavioral changes in business and the public sector, as well as the development of effective regulatory mechanisms and innovative technologies.


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