
  • Valentyna Ksendzuk Zhytomyr Polytechnic state university



international trade organizations, WTO, UNCTAD, foreign policy, foreign trade, russian-ukrainian war


State foreign trade policy is formed under the influence of international trade rules and takes into account the peculiarities of not only the principles of building domestic markets, but also foreign trade partners. In the conditions of the war in Ukraine, the requirements for the national security system, including the foreign trade system, are increasing. Therefore, the article examines the activity of international organizations in the sphere of regulating trade relations (WTO, UNCTAD, UNCITRAL) and analyzes the status of Ukraine's membership in them. The purpose of the conducted research is to reveal the areas of cooperation between Ukraine and international organizations in the field of regulation of international trade in the conditions of challenges and threats of martial law. Taking into account the results of the analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the country's participation in the WTO, an organizational mechanism of the state foreign trade policy was built in terms of the formation of communication channels between state authorities and structural bodies of the WTO, which contributes to the effective implementation of the principles and tasks of cooperation with the international organization. An assessment of the activities of the International Trade Council, which functions under the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, is also given. It is proposed to establish cooperation between the Export Promotion Office and its regional service centers for exporters, importers and investors with structural units of the International Trade Council. The proposed chain of interaction of all levels of subjects of state foreign trade policy contributes to the improvement of communication capabilities of state authorities and creates grounds for the development of cooperation between business, state authorities and international organizations. The proposals make it possible to involve all levels of policy subjects in the process of formation and implementation of the state foreign trade policy of Ukraine, which ensures the creation of opportunities for achieving the set goals and objectives.


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