
  • Pavlo Petrov Oles Honchar Dnipro National University



technologies of international relations, state image, PR technologies, social networks, information, soft power, cyber security, lobbying


Researching the features of PR technologies as an effective tool for regulat- ing international relations and ensuring the national interests of Ukraine in modern conditions and highlighting the most effective aspects of PR tech- nologies.

The relevance lies in the review of PR technologies in the context of solv- ing key challenges in Ukraine's international relations, in particular in the conditions of geopolitical changes and the full-scale invasion of Russian invaders. The effectiveness of the use of PR technologies in the political processes of Ukraine and their role in maintaining and improving attitudes towards the country, attracting international support and developing part- nership relations were investigated. Thus, the study expands the under- standing of PR technologies as a tool that can be used to improve the image of Ukraine, its influence on global international processes, as well as all socio-political processes.

Based on the research of Ukrainian and foreign researchers, a review of this technology was carried out, as well as the effectiveness of the use of PR technologies as effective tools in international relations of Ukraine was out lined. Strategic are as of activity and effective use of identification technol- ogies in Ukraine during the war and changes in the vector of development in international relations were formed. The results of the research can be used to work on improving the image of the state and developing its brand on the international arena.

Conclusions. In the article, we investigated the peculiarities of PR tech- nologies as an effective tool for regulating international relations and en- suring the national interests of Ukraine in modern conditions. They singled out «lobbyism» as the most effective aspect of PR technologies, which cur- rently needs reform and development.


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