
  • Victor Patiychuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



international tourism, level of tourism development, tourism business, security factors, security of foreign tourists, European Union


The article examines the current level of development and the main security factors of the development of international tourism in the countries of the European Union. Special attention is focused on the role and place of interna- tional tourism in the activities of the EU countries, as well as the importance of the functioning of the tourist business for the economy and the financial inflow of funds into the general and national budgets of the participating states. The tourism rating of European countries in the world tourism sys- tem is shown, according to UNWTO expert conclusions. The main security threats to the development of the EU tourism sector and the international tourism business of the Community as a whole are analyzed, taking into ac- count the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the consequences of the general financial and economic crisis of 2020–2021 and other regional security chal- lenges. The modern tourism policy of the European Union is summarized. The results of the ranking of the EU countries, according to the evaluation of the international analytical centers «», «Vision of Humani» and

«Quotezone», according to indicators of the safety of tourist stay within the borders of the participating cranes, including their tourist attractiveness, indi- ces of peacefulness, health safety , reliability of police protection of citizens and security of stay of foreign tourists, etc. The specifics of the ranking of the Community countries according to such basic indicators of the danger of a tourist stay in the region as the level of crime, indices of terrorism and the unfaithfulness of the stay of foreigners in the studied territory are disclosed. The main security factors of the development of international tourism in the EU countries are grouped and analyzed, among which historical, natural, political, legal, actual security, financial and economic, social, ecological, sanitary-epidemiological, infrastructural and informational factors should be highlighted, and their stimulating or restraining and limiting influence on the development of international tourism in the EU.


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