



Ukraine, historical stages, geopolitical opinion, geopolitical interest, geopolitical position of the state, war


The article deeply analyzed the historical context of the formation of Ukraine’s geopolitical interests. The specifics of the state’s geopolitical opinion forma- tion, as well as its transformation into a geopolitical interest after the indepen- dence of Ukraine, were studied. The main task of the study was to investigate and single out the historical stages of the formation of geopolitical thought of Ukraine, taking into account the history of Ukrainian statehood formation and the work of key researchers who directly influenced the evolution of its geopo- litical consciousness and thought. The article highlights 3 main historical stages of the state’s geopolitical interests formation and substantiates the reason for the gradual transformation of the state geopolitical opinion into the state geopoliti- cal interest after Ukraine gained independence. At each stage, the key works of the leading researchers of that time were examined and analyzed in detail. The main developments and key visions of the classics of geopolitics of Ukraine were studied, too. All research was carried out with reference to the historical features of one or another stage of Ukrainian statehood formation. The article carries out a SWOT-analysis of the Ukraine’s geopolitical location, highlights its weaknes- ses and strengths, disadvantages and advantages. On the basis of the conducted SWOT-analysis, the geopolitical interests of the state at the local, regional and global levels were considered. Recommendations are given, following which Ukraine can become a regional center of power and fully fulfil all its geopolitical visions and interests. Since Ukraine is in the field of geopolitical orientation of many countries not only in Europe, but also in the whole world, the study of the state’s geopolitical interests formation and their modern transformation, taking into account the war unleashed on the territory of Ukraine, is relevant and can be useful both for domestic , as well as for foreign researchers.


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