


global information space, information security, integration, informatization of society


The article substantiates the necessity of managing the global information space, reviews current legal provisions, identifies opportunities and limita- tions of managing the global information space. The ambivalence of the glo- balization of the information space is revealed, and the properties and prin- ciples of global management are determined in accordance with its features. The legal support for the regulation of the global information space at the level of international, regional and national legal acts is considered. The current actors of potential global information space management are presented. The challenges and problems of regulating the global information space at the in- ternational level are analyzed. Prospective directions for overcoming existing limitations and solving problematic aspects are determined. The possibilities of managing the global information space are based on: existing legal norms and standards, their flexibility within the general provisions of international law and national legislation, on the initiatives of public organizations, expert associations, which can quickly respond to current challenges; on the use of information technologies as an internal mechanism for regulating the informa- tion space; on the implemented network approach with a hierarchical structure of multiple management groups that interact on the basis of a large number of relationships, which corresponds to the logic and pace of globalization. Limi- tations of the global information space management include: non-adapted to modern dynamic conditions and non-unified regulatory and legal support; the lack of transparency and impartiality in international political relations due to the asymmetry in the distribution of resources and the deep integration of the information space into various spheres of social life; irradiation of the conse- quences of management measures in the regulation of the world information space on the functioning of other spheres of social life and the speed of deve- lopment of the world information infrastructure.


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