


interpersonal conflicts, moral and psychological climate of ZSU, state of security, safety of ZSU personnel, role of security officers


The article examines the problems of resolving interpersonal conflicts in fo- reign diplomatic institutions (DFIs) of Ukraine, localization of their possible negative effects on the state of security provision of FDIs, organizational roles of management and security officers (SOs).

Today, in the world, it is politics that determines the conditions of exis- tence of a person, family, country, and the entire earthly civilization, taken individually or in community. Despite the huge diversity of political situ- ations in different countries and regions, most domestic political, regional and international processes have a similar nature and development models (cooperation or conflicts, integration or disintegration, confrontation or compromises, etc.). However, common to all processes is an increasingly frequent and closer relationship between the interests of the individual, the state and society.

Current negative trends in world development such as the strengthening of the struggle for natural resources, the maintenance of tensions in indi- vidual states and regions, the acceleration of the arms race, manifestations of terrorism, organized crime, smuggling, the distribution of narcotics and weapons, illegal migration, human trafficking, the continued threat of es- calation of frozen conflicts and the emergence of new sources of interna- tional tension, in particular, the conduct of an undeclared aggressive-hy- brid war by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the intensification of the intelligence and subversive activities of its special services, entrust the special bodies of Ukraine with the task of most effectively ensuring the foreign policy and national security of the state, in particular the se- curity of Ukrainian foreign diplomatic institutions, their employees and family members, as well as those posted abroad Ukrainian owners of state secrets.

It is the complex nature of solving the problems of ensuring the security of the ZSU, above all the possible negative impact of interpersonal con- flicts in diplomatic teams on the state of their security, that dictates the need for their in-depth scientific study. The results of this type of work will become the basis for further improvement of state political and legal acts, departmental orders, directives, instructions and relevant practical recommendations to the management and OB ZDU for the proper perfor- mance of their official duties.


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National Security Strategy 2023. URL: https //

