


territorial branding, territorial trend, image, city brand, state branding, national branding, researchers, concepts


The article examines territorial branding as the analysis and study of ways to create and manage the image of a specific territory (such as a country, region, or city) with the aim of attracting investments, developing tourism, increasing attractiveness for businesses and residents, and forming a positive perception internationally. It encompasses various aspects, such as marketing strategies, public relations, cultural and social factors, innovations, and the use of modern technologies. Contemporary concepts of territorial branding emphasize the im- portance of creating and managing the image of cities, regions, and countries to enhance their competitiveness and attractiveness for residents, tourists, and investors. These concepts take into account diverse factors, including cultural, historical, ecological, economic, and social aspects. Among the key modern concepts of territorial branding analyzed in the article are: creating a unique image; developing technological hubs; sustainable development strategy; developing tourism potential; and utilizing digital technologies, among others. These concepts define new paths for the development of territories and explore their impact on various aspects of modern life. It is noted that synonymous terms for territorial branding include: city/region image, territory profiling, city/region image building, territorial marketing, city/region branding, politi- cal branding, state branding, national branding, “territorial branding,” and “re- gional branding.” The interpretations and concepts of researchers regarding the categories of territorial brand, territorial trend, image, city brand, rural area brand, and others are analyzed.


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