Features Forming the Peacemaker’s Image under the Media Influence
peacekeeping, conflict, media, image, newsAbstract
Any present policy of many countries and international organizations is aimed at finding and using of all possible methods timely and fully stopping all sorts of conflicts: territorial, ethnic, interdenominational, etc. Peacekeeping remains not only one of the legitimate means of resolving conflicts. The formation of peacekeepers’ image and peacekeeping institution often depends on the communications through media and information Web portals. In general, only 10 % of the material deals with the institute of peacekeeping under the mass media studied, while the content of some information is focused on the victims, especially among civilians (45 % of all the posts in this category), and organizational aspects of the operations (28 %) in quantitative terms (the volume of deliveries, number of units, and people). Therefore, the information technology century and manipulation of mass consciousness became the problem of an inadequate display of some events that negatively impact on the image, and in practical terms it often complicates the performance of duties by peacekeepers.
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