The activity of the political parties of the Russian Federation in the tem- porarily occupied territories of Ukraine since 2014 is an important tool in the implementation of the Russian policy of expansionism. This activity not only contributes to the legitimization of the Russian occupation, but also affects the political situation in the region, undermining the sove- reignty of Ukraine. Despite numerous studies, the issue remains insuffi- ciently studied from the point of view of a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms through which Russian political parties influence the local population and the integration of these territories into the Russian politi- cal field.
To study the history and evolution of the activities of political parties of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, to determine the main mechanisms of involving the local population in their activities, to analyze the role of these parties in the process of legiti- mizing the occupation and to develop recommendations for countering their influence.
Historical and comparative analysis, content analysis, as well as axiologi- cal approach methods are used in the study to analyze value orientations that influence the activity of political parties of the Russian Federation and their interaction with the local population of the occupied territories. It has been established that political parties of the Russian Federation in the occupied territories of Ukraine use a complex of socio-economic and political measures to attract the local population to their activities. They act as important agents in the process of legitimizing the Russian occupa- tion, forming new political structures and implementing Russian legisla- tion.
The activity of political parties of the Russian Federation in the tempora- rily occupied territories of Ukraine is a key element of the Russian policy of expansionism, which is aimed at the integration of these regions into the political field of Russia. In order to strengthen Ukrainian sovereign- ty, it is necessary to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to counteract this influence. Recommendations include intensifying in- ternational support, reforming local political structures, strengthening in- formation policy, as well as improving legal mechanisms that will allow for more effective protection of citizens’ rights and countering political manipulation.
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