information hygiene, information security, strategic communications, destructive influences, Ukraine, RF, Russo-Ukrainian war, fake, trolls, bots, elves, hybrid warfareAbstract
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the threats posed by the Rus- sian Federation’s hybrid war to Ukraine’s information security, combining va- rious types and methods of warfare to achieve its objectives. The authors high- light the importance of developing Ukrainian information troops as a response to the aggressive information propaganda by Russian special services. Various initiatives and measures taken to protect Ukraine’s information security are described, such as the activities of cyber troops, the work with chatbots of state structures, and specialized centers for countering disinformation. It is noted that it is essential to be vigilant about the information consumed, develop criti- cal thinking skills, and use reliable sources of information to avoid psychologi- cal traps and disinformation. It is emphasized that in the current Russo-Ukrainian war, Russia actively uses internet trolls to create a fake reality. These trolls operate in special under- ground offices, known as “troll factories,” to spread false information and dis- tort discussions. It is proven that Russian trolls played a significant role in in- terfering in the 2016 US elections and spreading disinformation about Ukraine. The term “Kremlinbots” has become common to describe these paid commen- tators, whose aim is to support Russian interests on social media. It is noted that the activities of trolls cause significant concern worldwide, as they interfere in the political processes of various countries, including the USA, Catalonia, and during Brexit. Troll factories use social media to spread fake news, provoca- tive comments, and compromising information. They also buy places in ran- kings and order services to boost follower counts. Opposing Russian trolls are “elves” – volunteers from the Baltic countries who fight disinformation and expose pro-Russian commentators. Their activities are supported by govern- ment organizations and journalists. Lithuanian “elves” are particularly active in detecting and combating Kremlin propaganda on the internet. The efforts of Russian trolls on social media create serious threats to information security, in- fluencing public opinion and political processes in many countries worldwide.
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