



Galicia, Spain, regional policy, autonomous region, EU influence, region, innovations, program, autonomy, project, strategy, ERDF, sustainable development


Galicia, an autonomous region in northwest Spain, has been actively shaping its regional development policies in recent years. This article examines the key features of Galicia’s modern regional policy, focusing on the region’s autono- my, EU influence, regional competitiveness, housing policies, and governance. The study is based on an analysis of relevant literature, policy documents, and statistical data. The findings indicate that Galicia’s regional policy is characte- rized by a high degree of autonomy, with the regional government (Xunta de Galicia) having significant decision-making power in areas such as education, health, and social services. The region’s policies are also heavily influenced by EU funding and initiatives, particularly the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which has supported projects related to innovation, competitiveness, and sustainable development. Galicia’s regional development strategies prioritize enhancing competitiveness through smart specialization, with a focus on innovative management of natural and cultural resources, healthy lifestyles, and industrial diversification. The region has also implemented housing poli- cies aimed at providing affordable housing and preventing foreclosures. The article also discusses the challenges facing Galicia, such as demographic de- cline, uneven development within the region, and the need to address climate change. Despite these challenges, Galicia has significant potential for future growth, driven by its natural resources, cultural heritage, and human capital. The study concludes that Galicia’s regional policy is a dynamic and evolving process, shaped by the interplay of local, national, and European factors. The region’s ability to adapt and innovate will be crucial in addressing the chal- lenges of the 21st century and ensuring sustainable and equitable development for all its citizens.


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