national resistance, national resilience, institutionalization, institutional matrix, power relations, resistance of Ukrainian citizens, observer in the system of national resistance, aid to UkraineAbstract
The study of the peculiarities of the process of institutionalization of the national resistance of Ukrainian citizens in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war proved the formation of the institutional matrix of national resistance, which pro- vides for the formation of a synergistic connection between the state strategy for the protection of national sovereignty, which is based on the idea of national sta- bility as one of the basic tools for the protection of the state sovereignty, and the power and forms of national resistance modeled and applied by the state to restore national sovereignty in the temporarily occupied territories. In such a conceptual model of the relationship between national stability and national resistance, the readiness and ability of the civilian population to resist the enemy in the event of occupation of the territory of its state acquires fundamental importance, i.e., the stability of the population reflects the readiness of the national resistance system to resist occupation and aggression and fight for restoration power and sover- eignty, in case of their loss. It has been proven that the peculiarities of the orga- nization of national resistance in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine are determined by: relying on the strategy of active protest and everyday civil disobedience; using forms of resistance based on convictions based on Ukrainian civic identity; the repertoire of everyday resistance of Ukrainian citizens; moti- vation for the practices of everyday resistance, which has a diffuse and dynamic character, related to the characteristics of the social field, the experience of ap- plying the forms and techniques of everyday resistance, the strategy and tactics of civil resistance coordinated by the institutions of the Ukrainian state. It was established that the self-identification of Ukrainian citizens in the institutional matrix of national resistance to Russian aggression is marked by indicators of readiness to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine with weapons in hand, to use the legitimate and legal variability of forms of national resistance, and a sense of belonging to the institution of national resistance, which, according to the results of sociological research, belong to zones of high indicators. It is sub- stantiated that the status of an observer in the Institute of National Resistance of Ukraine is related to the recognition of Russian aggression, the qualification of the actions of the subjects of resistance in the paradigm of countering aggression, that is, the recognition of national resistance and the determination of attitude/be- longing to it. In the analyzed aggregate of all observers in the matrix of national resistance of Ukraine, who recognize Russian aggression and qualify the actions of the institutions of political power of Ukraine and the citizens of Ukraine as a legitimate countermeasure to aggression, the most powerful in terms of provid- ing financial, military and humanitarian aid are the USA and the EU. According- ly, it is they, as well as other observers who provide all three types of assistance to Ukraine in its resistance to Russian aggression, that belong to the matrix of its national resistance.
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