


cybersecurity, cyber attacks, cyber threats, information security, critical infrastructure, hybrid warfare, international cooperation, national security, digital infrastructure


The article examines the issues of cybersecurity in the modern world, where information technologies play an important role in the political, economic and military spheres. The growth of digital infrastructure is accompanied by an increase in cyber threats, which can be directed against both states and the international community. The article empha- sizes that cybersecurity is becoming a critically important aspect of national and international security, requiring collective efforts to protect against potential threats, such as cyber attacks on state institutions, criti- cal infrastructure, as well as espionage and social engineering. Special attention is paid to the analysis of various forms of cyber threats and their impact on global security. Specific examples of cyberattacks are described, such as interference in the US election process and an attack on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine.

The authors highlight key aspects of cybersecurity, including technical, legal and educational measures aimed at ensuring security in the digital space. The article also considers the role of international cooperation in the context of cybersecurity, emphasizing the importance of joint efforts of governments, the private sector and international organizations such as the UN, NATO and the EU. The strategies of various countries, in particular the USA and Israel, in the field of cyber defense are consid- ered, as well as the steps that Ukraine is taking to strengthen its cyber- security in the face of Russian aggression. The article also discusses the challenges associated with cybersecurity, including insufficient funding, the speed of technological progress, the human factor and the lack of a unified international legal framework in cyberspace. The article em- phasizes the need to develop national cybersecurity strategies and close cooperation between states to counter growing cyber threats in a globa- lized world.


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