political management, market relations, war, Ukraine, transparency, accountability, citizen participation, reforms, innovationsAbstract
This article examines the main aspects of political management of market relations in Ukraine during wartime. It explores ways to effectively manage state resources in the context of military actions. The study analyzes the current challenges facing Ukraine’s political system and proposes strategies to enhance the efficiency of managing market relations. Special attention is given to issues of transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in decision-making processes. The article investigates examples of success- ful reforms and innovative approaches that can be applied to improve the management of state resources during wartime. It demonstrates that the key problems of political management are addressed by the Public Administra- tion Reform Strategy of Ukraine for 2022–2025. Its main directions include improving the efficiency of public administration, reducing administrative burdens, ensuring transparency and accountability of authorities, develop- ing digital services, and fostering a professional, politically neutral public service. Additionally, the 2019 IMF report highlights a significant gap in the efficiency of public investments, necessitating improved coordination, planning, and monitoring. Political management of market relations in Ukraine is considered a beha- vioral process aimed at developing and implementing the strategy of a po- litical entity (state, party, leader) taking into account all changes occurring in the political sphere. The essence of political management lies in the direct consideration, adoption, and implementation of political decisions. An im- portant aspect is also the management of human resources, which includes the effective utilization of citizens’ potential to achieve political goals.
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the issues of political management of market relations in wartime Ukraine, identifying key fac- tors influencing its formation and development. The conclusions empha- size the importance of integrating international experience and adapting it to Ukrainian realities to achieve sustainable development and strengthen democratic institutions.
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