


international trade, globalization, cross-border influence, product standardization, global corporations


The study examines the prerequisites for the company’s entry into the international market, describes the positive impact of advertising and mo- dern technologies on the level of product sales. It is noted that the digi- tal space enables the process of communication with consumers around the world in order to maintain the relevance of the product or its modi- fication. The meaning of the term «globalization» was characterized, the characteristics and prerequisites of globalization processes, their develop- ment (in historical terms) and consequences: positive and contradictory influence on the formation of the international market were determined. It was found that the technological and technical reality promotes the de- velopment of global markets of standardized goods at a low price due to the scale of production and the placement of production capacities in a favorable environment, due to which local companies become uncompeti- tive. It is noted that international trade is facilitated by globally educated workers who offer their services regardless of national borders. Global- ization has been proven to encourage each country to specialize in what it produces best, using the fewest resources. The phenomenon of a global corporation focused on the production of one product at an aggressively low price is considered. Cross-border political influence is described as a factor driving globalization. It was found that China’s influence on the international arena is growing, particularly in Africa. Countries by eco- nomic influence are divided according to the principle of supporters of China-Russia and the USA-Israel and Great Britain. Some results of the globalization of goods are described, both in highly developed countries and in those that are just developing. The state of globalization processes is analyzed. In particular, it is found that international trade liberalization soared in the nineteenth century due to the development of technology and the construction of transport routes, but global marketing has now slowed due to financial instability and increased political control.


The article prepared within the «Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Vo- lyn Centre for European Studies: Green and Secure Neighbourhood”» of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (№ 101085647 – VCES – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH).


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