Ukraine on the road to European integration: Poland experience.
Ukraine, Poland, European integration, public supportAbstract
The aim of the article is to highlight the main steps towards the European integration of Poland, to analyze the main features of Poland's steps towards European integration, to highlight the successful experience of Ukraine's integration into the Council of Europe. The article analyzes the current atmosphere of the population regarding the future prospects of Ukraine. It has been established that support for Ukraine's independence since 1991 has fallen to 2016, with more than 90% of the population supporting independence in 1991; about 47% of the population supported independence in 2011; over 87% of the population supported independence in 2016. The main organizations, to which Poland joined on its way to the European Union, was analyzed and characterized, in particular, Poland became a full member of the Council of Europe in 1991; In 1991, the "Visegrad Association" and the "Committee for the Development of Franco-German-Polish Cooperation" were created, the Central European Initiative, the Council of the Baltic Sea States; in 1999, the start of Poland's membership in NATO. Article analyzes and characterizes the main organizations, which Poland joined on the path to the European Union, highlightes the problem issues for Ukraine on the way of European integration. The main stages of formation and change of the legislation of Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the Council of Europe are analyzed and elucidated. The articles uses following research methods as a comparative method, a retrospective method, a scientific method, a method of content analysis. As a result, it was concluded that the experience of Poland can serve as a general example and a road map for European integration of Ukraine, because Poland, having the same socioeconomic, political situation as Ukraine, was able to go all the way and become a full member of the European Union, while Ukraine has a long way ahead. The research framework covers the last decade of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century. The results of the research can be used to form a national strategy for European integration, foreign policy of Ukraine and for educational materials, manuals..
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