Features of functioning of sphere of service in cross-border Ukrainian-Polish collaboration (on the example of the Volin region)


  • Mykola Liashuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




sphere of service, services, export, import, Volyn region


The aim of the article is to carry out an analytical review of the features of the Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in the Volyn region servicing sector. The main tasks were: to study the influence of factors on the development of the service sector in the region and to reveal the features of the service sector functioning taking into account modern economic realities. The article describes the features of grouping services into separate parts, their areas, specifics, types, and blocks. The first block, which includes household services (these include those types of work and activities in non-tangible form that are related to the satisfaction of personal or family needs); the second block – socio-cultural services (upbringing and education of a person at different stages of his life; health, recreation, physical culture, sport, ritual services, culture, entertainment, tourism); the third block contains limited range of services, mainly related to the provision of living conditions; the fourth block, which is characterized by engineering and technical services (transport, construction, repair, communication services) are considered by the author. The framework of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation within the Volyn region is explored. It’s been proved that in the period from 2010 to 2016 in the service sector of our region and the EU countries (including the Republic of Poland) there were slight fluctuations in export and import of services. A number of figures and corresponding diagrams have been analyzed, and based on this, it is concluded that the Volyn region is an important strategic partner of Poland in the service sector, with a positive economic balance. The structure of export and import of services within the framework of UkrainianPolish cooperation is analyzed in details. The ways of further cooperation in the sphere of service within the Volyn region are determined.


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