Znaczenie i perspektywy polsko-ukraińskiej wspуłpracy w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa naftowego w kontekście realizacji rurociągu Brody-Adamowo





oil security, Poland, Ukraine


The paper deals with oil security in relations between Poland and Ukraine. A key problem in this relationship is construction of a pipeline linking Brody and Adamowo. This investment is considered crucial for energy strategy and diversification of oil supply directions, however its economic sense and cost effectiveness are questionable. The paper presents both the reasons for this investment, the potential benefits of its implementation as well as the weak sides of the project and possible prospects for the pipeline. According to the author it is questionable whether enough oil will flow through the planned pipeline to make this investment profitable. In particular it is problematic to ensure a secure and stable supply of raw materials. Recently, however, there is more and more interest in the export of oil through the Ukrainian territory from Azerbaijan, that has rich deposits of raw materials. In order to increase energy security of Poland and Ukraine new delivery routes of hydrocarbons should be created. Poland and Ukraine should benefit from the geopolitical position of their states, considering both economic and political determinants. A gas pipeline Brody - Adamovo, except the first and basic function, would promote power independence of Europe and the Baltic Region from Russia. Ukraine would remain in winning too, in fact in crisis situations a gas pipeline can be used in reversible direction, providing a region oil products from Baltic and North Sea. A gas pipeline would serve as a trump in relationships with Russia. In the fast-changing reality, exemplified by the option to deliver oil from Iran, it is important to ensure a variety of tools and alternatives to increase flexibility. Although economic constituent of the use of gas pipeline Brody – Adamovo generates doubts, however his fate remains unsolved through permanent changes in the power relations of the modern world. Realization of project it costs to examine from the point of view of aspiring of Poland and Ukraine to power independence from Russia, that remains the main regional transporter of oil products.


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