political corruption, anti-corruption law, anti-corruption institutions, fighting political corruptionAbstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of the experience of the European Union countries (the Netherlands and Finland) in introducing mechanisms for preventing political corruption, developing and implementing effective mechanisms for combating political corruption in the system of public administration. In accordance with the goal, in this study performed the following tasks: the peculiarities of the functioning of anti-corruption institutions operating in the Netherlands and Finland are analysed; the international practice in the field of prevention and counteraction of corruption in foreign bodies of state power and administration, namely in the Netherlands and Finland, is considered; the basic principles of foreign anti-corruption strategies developed during the course of some time on the basis of internal and foreign experience were researched. In addition, the author highlighted positive measures to combat corruption that could be applied in Ukraine during the formation and development of national anti-corruption actors. Conclusions are made on the necessity and importance of borrowing effective foreign experience in combating political corruption in order to build a new and capable anti-corruption system in Ukraine. Finland and the Netherlands, according to the results of the annual rating made by Transparency International since 1995, based on a set of assessments of entrepreneurs and analysts on the level of perception of corruption in various spheres of life, are leaders in the countries of the world with the lowest levels of corruption. The study analyses the foundations of the «Finnish model» of anticorruption policy, which involves the formation of conditions that do not contribute to corruption in various spheres, as well as a significant minimization of socially dangerous consequences of such a socio-economic phenomenon as corruption. The strategic goals of the Finnish program «National Strategy for Combating the Shadow Economy and Crime in the Economy for 2016–2020» are considered. The Scandinavian model, in view of the peculiarities of developing and implementing approaches to counteracting corruption, also includes the Netherlands, which operates a three-levels anti-corruption system. The special role of the Public Prosecution Service is considered. The article analyses the provisions of the current anti-corruption legislation, the effectiveness of which is provided by a wide range of means in the field of combating corruption.
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