
  • Olena Borysiuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




e-leaning, distance leaning, technology education, cloud services, Microsoft Office 365


The article investigates and discloses the meaning of the terms «e-learning» and «distance learning», peculiarities of application of e-learning in Higher Education Practice. The characteristics of the electronic (remote) education, its kinds and forms of implementation. The characteristics of such concepts of distance learning as a blog, Moodle, e-learning. It offers practical experience of using e-learning in the Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University. It is proved that e-learning will provide an opportunity to create a new learning environment, where students can access learning materials at any time and in any place, will make the learning process more attractive and democratic, comfortable and will encourage students to self-education and training throughout life. In accordance with the goal, the task is set and solved: information and communication technology for the organization of e-learning and implementation of interaction between the participants of the educational process are considered. The first experience of the practical use of e-learning by Microsoft Office 365 cloud services by the employees of the Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University was analyzed.

Investigational Microsoft Office 365, which enables any educational establishment free of charge to take advantage of unbelievable efficiency of «cloud», helping to save time and money, and free valuable resource. System Office 365 combines a programmatic complex Office and on-line services for connection and joint work of next generation of Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online, Skype for business, Class Note, Onedrive. System Office 365 simple in the use and comfortable for adminisn.Office 365 it is possible to use on all devices is the personal COMPUTER, computer of Mac, plane-table, smartfoni. Using Microsoft Office 365 you will have reliable defence with the automatic reserve printing-down of information, severe privacy policy and operative defence, from the ill-intentioned programs. Particular attention is paid to considering and analyzing the peculiarities of use and their benefits for creating a virtual class of discipline using the Class Note application. By the set of services of Office 365, a teacher creates testing, and also gives students group tasks and controls them, must possibility be exchanged instantaneous reports, to carry out video calls in the decision of concrete tasks, to plan projects and execute them.


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