



political expertise, civil control, public control, government bodies, civil society


The urgency of the article is that even in democratic states there are frequent abuses of power, so the power process needs to be monitored, evaluated, controlled and constructively criticized. All of these functions are generally called in a democratic society by public control, one of the most important forms of which, in our opinion, is political examination.

The purpose of the article is to consider political examination as a form of public control over the activities of the authorities. The task of the article: to consider the concept of «public control» and «public control», to investigate the role of political expertise in the political and state process.

Who can control the organs of state power in a democratic state? First, they themselves. However, control of ourselves is not always objective. Secondly, public organizations, that is, civil society. The stronger the civil society, the more effective the public control. It is public control called for not to allow the authorities to deviate from the norms of law and the interests of society and the state.

Analysis of the content of the definition of public examination shows that, according to logic, decisions made by the executive authorities should be political decisions. After all, the definition of a socially significant problem is included in the technology of preparation and adoption of political decisions, as well as the choice of the best of them.

Public control is the monitoring and evaluation of the activities of public authorities by citizens and civil society organizations.


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