
  • Sviatoslav Vylinskyi Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Germany, foreign policy, health care, Central Asia, non-governmental organizations


The aim of the article is to deepen scientific knowledge about the peculiarities of the modern social policy of Germany in the of Central Asia countries, especially with regard to the spread of German standards in the field of health care, as well as the establishment of institutions for guaranteeing the right to medical care and health improvement of the population. The key issues addressed are: 1) the identification of key areas of German policy in the industry; 2) an overview of the key structures involved in promoting the German standards in the region; 3) the consideration of direct mechanisms and instruments for the implementation of German policy in the region.

The author concludes that the modern policy of Germany in the region of Central Asia in the field of health has a complex and systematic expression. This is reflected in the fact that Germany’s efforts in the region are focused simultaneously on solving both strategic and tactical challenges. Within the strategic range of tasks are: 1) the reduction of financial and geographical barriers in receiving the population of medical care; 2) improving the overall quality of public health services; 3) solving complex epidemiological and demographic problems of the countries of the region. The tasks of the tactical plan for the Federal Republic of Germany in the region of Central Asia remain: 1) support for national programs for reforming the health care system; 2) stimulating regional exchange of experience and information on best practices; 3) financing and lending to national health initiatives and projects in the Central Asian countries. At the same time, the peculiarity of German policy in the region is reflected in two peculiar features: 1) the realization of state influence in the form of a public-private partnership model, in which German non-governmental financial, public and technical institutions act as direct implementers or promoters of German projects and programs on the ground; 2) aimed at achieving maximum synergy between the formats of bilateral intergovernmental cooperation on health issues and the cooperation of the parties in the global goals of sustainable development.


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