


tourist ethnography, excursion activities, travel agency «Podilsky Mandry», polonium tourism activity, Podillya, Transnistria, historical sources, Dimitry Sambikin


The article is devoted to the analysis of the information provision of tourist excursion activities of the student travel agency «Podilsky Mandry» along the Podillya Transnistria. The objectives of this study are: to find out the retrospective of the formation and significance of regional tourism; to determine the most effective forms of research and popularization of Ukrainian national-cultural traditions and historical monuments of the Podilsky Krai; to study the genesis of the establishment of regional tourism on the basis of historical sources of history; to find out the practical application of local lore studies in the activities of the travel agency «Podilsky Mandry». Local studies of Podolia with the help of tourism can be divided into theoretical, related to the development of scientific and methodological foundations of the territorial organization of active recreation, and applied, the main purpose of which is to create recommendations for activating tourist activity in the region. It should be noted that the main method of research till 50–60-ies of XX century was a descriptive method. Also, in the work used methods of analysis and synthesis, cartographic. It should be noted that the article demonstrates the informational possibilities of the newly discovered historical sources, in particular, the diary records of the journey of Podilskyi bishop Dimitrii, connected with the revision of the Orthodox parishes of the Podolsk diocese in 1889, which covered his journey with the settlements of Podillya and Bessarabia, located along the Dniester River in 1889. The use of historical sources during the organization of excursion activities of the travel agency «Podilsky Mandry» is taken into account in the development of international tourism cooperation. So, as a result of the study was: the retrospective of the formation and importance of regional tourism; the most effective forms of research and popularization of Ukrainian national-cultural traditions and historic monuments of Podilskyi region are determined; the genesis of the establishment of regional tourism on the basis of historical sources is researched; the practical application of local studies in the activities of the travel agency «Podilsky Mandry» was clarified.


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