


political consciousness, national consciousness, political system, national idea, ideology of state formation, ambivalence of consciousness


The article determines the relevance of the study the problems of the formation the modern political consciousness; the essence of political consciousness as a process of reflection of political reality is revealed; the mutual influence of the national consciousness of citizens and the current political situation in Ukraine is analyzed; was made an attempt to interpret national-political consciousness as an integrative force in the process of state-building; it is proved that the state of political consciousness significantly influences the formation of the political system, the peculiarities of the political regime, and the political behavior of citizens. National consciousness is one of the most important factors in the formation of a political nation, sustainable development of the political system, and the legitimization of institutions of the state. Ukraine has not yet formed a full-fledged political nation with well-defined national interests, for which there would be a consensus among the elite and among citizens. Under these circumstances, the process of Ukrainian state-building is expanding difficultly and ambiguously. Ukraine as a democratic state can develop successfully only on the basis of awareness of the Ukrainian political nation of state-building tasks and active social and political participation of citizens in state-building processes. Priority in shaping the national consciousness of the citizens of modern Ukraine is: the definition of the system of basic values, the development of the humanitarian policy of the state (the historical memory of the Ukrainian people, the linguistic unity of society, a single information and cultural space, cultural policy), the state ethno-national policy of Ukraine and patriotic education of citizens.


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