Foreing Policy of the Republic of Poland in Relation of During the Presidency of L. Kachinsky, Throuch the Prism of the Program «European Policy of Neichborhood»


  • Iulia Kliuchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Republic of Poland, Ukraine, foreign policy, president, L. Kaczynski, «European Neighborhood Policy»


The author studied the peculiarities of the foreign policy of Poland in relation to Ukraine in the period of term of office of Leh Kachinski. As never before support of Poland, which was a member of the European Union and NATO was measurable while Ukraine which was in post-revolutionary state was only striving for the Euro-Atlantic integration. These two factors stipulated a special interest of Poland in Ukraine and vise versa as such a vector of the foreign policy orientation could significantly strengthen positions of the both countries. Republic of Poland initiates creation of the program «European policy of neighborhood» within the framework of which Eastern direction of the policy of RP in relation of Ukraine was realized. However, middle ground of the Ukrainian politicians concerning democratization of the society, The article examines the foreign policy orientations of the Republic of Poland concerning Ukraine during the period of the presidential term L. Kachinsky (2005–2010). On the basis of the worked out materials and documents it was established that the Eastern policy vector of the foreign policy of the Republic of Poland was based on the program «European Policy of Neighborhood», in which Ukraine was given priority. The main directions of cooperation that are mutually beneficial for the countries of the Euro-Atlantic area and Ukraine are outlined. It is revealed that the «European Neighborhood Policy» program is aimed at developing bilateral relations between the EU partner countries and its members and contributes to the possible gradual accession to European policies and programs. moderate steps on the way to implementation of the reforms and a number of the loud statements resulted in the cooling in relations with the Republic of Poland. And after the tragic events of 2010 not far from Smolensk and change of the head of Ukraine world community categorically announced that the era of advocating of the Ukrainian interests by the Polish presidents was over when L. Kachinski died.


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