disinformation, EU, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, strategic communications, Czech RepublicAbstract
This article is devoted to the problem of the growth of hybrid threats that arose as a result of the aggressive policy of Russia and created a danger to the modern European information space. The author, referring to the European Commission’s decision to combat hybrid threats and to analyze the results of the Eurobarometer (2018), which studied the awareness of EU citizens and their relation to the existence of counterfeit news and misinformation on the Internet, said the actualization of the problem and the need to study the institutional aspects of counteracting fabricated news in the modern information space. The article focuses on the following Centers for Counteracting Disinformation, such as the East StratCom Task Force and the European Center for Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, which operate on an EU scale, as well as some national Centers for Countering Disinformation, in particular in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland.
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